

Computing skills are not taught in isolation but are developed throughout all areas of the curriculum.

Children develop basic computer skills in the Foundation Stage and build on these each year. Computing is used to enhance learning and teaching in all subjects and develop skills which the children will need for lifelong learning.

We use various applications, topic related websites and interactive software to enhance learning experiences. We aim for each child to be confident in the use of the computer for multimedia creation, programming, data logging and online research. Internet safety is an important part of the pupils’ education and a programme is in place to support them to learn safely online.

We are well resourced for computing with a laptop and interactive whiteboard in every classroom and within the school hall. In addition we have a bank of iPads, laptops and netbooks available for classroom use. All classrooms, including the Nursery, have access to the Internet.

As well as using computers children are encouraged to use a range of technologies including Bee Bots, microphones, programmable toys, data loggers, electronic books, CD Roms, DVD players, digital cameras, digital video cameras, webcams, visualisers and electronic microscopes.

Computing Curriculum Intent and Overview