

At St.Chad’s we strive to provide daily teaching and learning experiences within Maths which are practical, purposeful and will ultimately lead to progression. Teachers plan such experiences using objectives from the National Curriculum and teach using active and inclusive strategies to ensure that Maths is a fun and enjoyable experience for all.

Considerable importance is attached to the children achieving and understanding mathematical processes, concepts and skills. For this reason, teaching only moves on when a child clearly understands and can demonstrate this, practically, verbally or in a using and applying situation. Daily assessment from pupils and staff ensures this occurs. Teachers also make links across the curriculum so children have many opportunities to use and apply the skills they have learnt.

Structured and purposeful speaking and listening opportunities are used strategically to develop thinking and reasoning skills and to allow children to learn from each other

'We follow the White Rose Maths schemes of learning to support our mastery teaching. The schemes of learning for each year group can be found on the link below.​

White Rose Maths Schemes
Maths progression of Knowledge and Skills